Posts tagged Dark chocolate
Homemade Copycat Larabars

Hey guyysss. It's been a while since I've posted any recipes or food ideas lately, but working all day with my internship makes blogging and taking food pictures a tad difficult. I can only take pictures in the afternoon, and since I work until 5 or so, I'm forced to work on my blog during the weekends. And every weekend has been so busy...Hence, the long sabbatical since I've posted. 

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Breakfast...The Best Part of My Day

If you haven't noticed, I happen to like hosting parties/get-togethers. And I at these said parties, I really enjoy feeding my friends.  In college, I would have a group of friends over almost every Saturday morning for pancakes. We would have different sides with it each week, but the pancakes were the same. I was sort of known for my was my thang. 

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