An RD's advice on eating during the holidays

An RD's advice on eating during the holidays

Hello everyone! Are you all as excited about the upcoming holidays as I am? I am suuuuper excited to spend time with my family, eat good food, play games, listen to Christmas music, decorate my tree, watch Christmas movies, and look at Christmas lights. It's gonna be SO great!! :-D

Now that I have normalized my relationship with food, the holidays are exciting rather than stress-inducing. I'm not worried about the foods I may or may not eat. What I choose to eat or don't choose to eat stems from honoring my body and emotional needs. However, I understand that I am in the minority on this issue. Everyone stresses about overeating during the holidays and how that eating is going to affect their waistline. So, I figured I would share with you two pieces I was featured in on this topic.

First, I had the privilege of being a guest on the Finding Body Freedom podcast to talk about my own journey to Intuitive Eating as well as holiday eating tips. I would love for you to check it out! 


Second, an article I wrote was featured in my state's local online paper. For tips on healthful eating during the holidays, check out the article here

I'd love to hear your thoughts on either one! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that it includes rich time with family/friends and some tasty food :-). I know mine will.